Technical/Administrative/Establishment activities in respect of hospitals – SJH & VMMC, RMLH & ABVIMS, LHMC & SK and KS hospitals , RHTC
Parliament questions, Parliament Assurance, Court Matters, VIP references, Grievances, RTI, Complaints in respect of above Institutes and about health related matter
Matters related to constitution of Medical Boards for medical examination of various cadre controlling authority including disability medical board.
Clarification/Conflict resolution regarding Medical fitness of PwD candidates by other Ministries.
Proving Technical inputs on framing of Recruitment Rules for above institutes.
Medical Grievances all across the country
Major issues: Technical Guidelines, Procurement of Medical equipment, Manpower requirement, Expansion and redevelopment of hospitals
Work related to Empanelment of Private hospitals/Nursing Home under CSMA Rules 1944.
Reimbursement of Medical claims of Dte.GHS
Work related to Rastriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) and HMDG for financial assistance to the eligible beneficiaries.
Approval of special treatments
Approval of Treatment outside India
On various issues related to three Central Govt. Hospitals Delhi like
Monitoring framework & monitoring system for fire audit,
Preparedness regarding management of heat related illness,
Screening OPD in three Central Government Hospitals,
Diagnostic Test,
Referral Policy work,
Over the counter drug,
Assurance on preventing unnecessary Hysterectomy,
Import custom duty of certain Medical Devices and Import of used High End and High Value Medical Equipment
Regulate antibiotic overuse and irrational use,
Work related to Patients Charter mandating displaying at conspicuous places at Govt / Pvt Hospitals across India
Various proposals submitted by different organizations and Institutes.
Review of Guidelines for purpose of assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,2016 (49 of 2016). The same is Gazette notified on 14th March 2024.
Drafting the technical guidelines on various aspects of Disability matters such as Accessibility Standards under the Accessible India Campaign, validation of Indian test of intelligence toll kit developed by National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (NIEPID), matter related to OSTOMY and disability status for Renal Transplant Patient.
Continuous work for revising the functional classification and physical requirement of PwBD categories for recruitment of Non-Teaching and Teaching Specialists Sub-Cadre of CHS.
Supported in implementation of Cabinet Decision regarding grant of disability Pension to Defence Forces Personnel and in the Unique Disability ID (UDID) project for persons with Disabilities.
Provided technical inputs on regular basis to Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Human Rights Council Resolution on the Rights of Person with Disability, in formulating New National Policy for Person with Disability, provide technical comments on Anganwadi protocol for divyang children.
All work related to the procedure for appeal against disability certificate.
All work related to Rehabilitation Council India (RCI).
Pioneering work done in 3 Central Government Hospital (CGH)
Developed SoPs for Sunday OPDs
Started QI exercise
Scaled up of Covid-19 Care Facilities
Developed Referral Policy for Patients amongst Central Government Hospital
Set up Department of Integrated Medicine at VMMD & Safdarjung Hospital
Developed CSR Fund utilization Policy including SOPs