In consonance with the recommendations of the Bhore Committee and the Planning Commission, the Central Health Education Bureau (C.H.E.B.) was created in the year 1956. The publicity Unit of the Directorate General of Health Services which has existed for several years before, was merged with this newly created institute. The Bureau which started with one unit and few staff members in 1956 grew in size and activities gradually and had seven Divisions with trained technical personnel and one administrative division.
The goals and objectives of the division include educating the people about health plans and programmes, training health professionals , developing and supplying health education/IEC materials, conducting health behavioural research activities, providing technical assistance to government and non-government agencies in the field of health education, developing health education syllabi for different target groups and collaborating with international agencies in promoting health education. CHEB also works with SHEB, WHO, State health directorate, Depts. of education, NCERT, Board of Secondary Education and other national and international agencies in imparting health education
In order to achieve the goal of developing and promoting health education in the country, the CHEB has the following objectives:-
The Media Division of the Bureau is mainly responsible for producing health education and publicity material for carrying out health education programmes in the country on scientific lines by disseminating the latest and correct information to the people about health and prevention of diseases and thereby creating awareness among the people and motivation them for desired changes in health behaviour.
On the average 15 exhibitions are organised every year on different areas of Health and Family Welfare to educate the people on different aspects of health. Assistance is given to different official/non-official organizations in planning; production and use of exhibition media in health education programmes. Besides organising exhibitions, exhibition material is also loaned to the organizations working in the field of health education. The Bureau participates in the national/international fairs to publicise the programmes and achievement on behalf of the Ministry. In 1983, the Bureau worked jointly with the Department of Family Welfare for arranging a pavilion in the International Trade Fair.
Photographic coverage is done for the support of health programmes of the Directorate General of Health Services, and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. These photographs are used in the health publicity/educational material.
he health promotion & Education division was created in 2005 by incorporating the functions and activities of Health Education Services division of the bureau. The HPE division is responsible for co coordinating and collaborating Health promotional and educational activities with national & international agencies. This division directly associates with State Health Education Bureaus for imparting health education in the states. It also celebrates national and International health days through adopting various medias of communication like press advertisement, production of health education materials on the theme and broadcasting and telecasting through Prasar Bharti (AIR, Doordarshan). The HPE division laison with WHO to carry out health education & health promotion projects for implementation of health education programs in the country
The School Health Education Division was established in 1958 with a view to strengthening health education programmes for the younger generation. It works as technical resource centre with the Ministry of Education, N.C.E.R.T., and Directorate of Adult Education. It works in close collaboration with all these agencies and also with State Health and Education Departments and Universities in the country for strengthening health education programme for formal and non-formal education.
The functions of the Division are:
As a step to strengthen health education component in the school curriculum, the School Health Education Division has developed syllabi for classes IX to X of the central board of the secondary education as a separate subject under Physical Education and Health Education or Classes XI and XII (Vocational Stream) of the CBSE. It has also developed Health education syllabi to be used for degree courses in Physical Education. Besides, it has developed syllabi of health education to integrate it in the training of adult education functionaries for elementary teacher training for B.T. /B.Ed. The School Health Education Division has also integrated health education component in population education.
A Population Education Guide for Secondary School Teachers was developed by the Division for the use of State Health and Education Departments. The Division has also produced brochures, handbooks etc., for the use of National Social Service Volunteers: and Primary and Secondary School teachers. Imparting training to teachers, medical and Para-medical functionaries are one of the major takes of the Division. It also imparts training to various categories of personnel attending training programmes organised by the Bureau.
The School Health Education Division in the nodal point in the D.G.H.S. to monitor School Health Services Programme in the country. The Division has also monitor the National School Health Scheme which was later transferred to the States and Union Territories. Another programme that was monitored by the Division was an Intensive Pilot Project which was launched by the Ministry of Health & F.W. with a purpose to draw experiences for formulating national guidelines for a comprehensive school health education programme in the country.
Functions and Duties of Division
Training constitutes a major function of the Bureau. The Training Division of the Bureau came into being in 1964. But the first training programme had been started in 1960 itself with the help of various specialists available in the Bureau to organize courses for different categories of personnel such as Family Planning Extension Educators, V.D. Workers, Distt. Health Extension Educators, Health Visitors, Nursing Superintendents, Social Workers, Social Scientists, Teachers and Medical Personnel of the various State Health Education Bureaux. In recent years much emphasis is laid on supervised field programmes for the trainees in order to develop skills in extension education and to integrate the theoretical aspects of health education with the field operations.
The Central Health Education Bureau conducts both long term and short term courses in health Education. The trainees are key trainer as well as other category of health personnel deputed to Bureau for training in Health Education. The objectives of the training division are to:-
The activities of the Training Division fall mainly under three categories.
The course was started by the Bureau in 1971 & is a post graduate course of two years during since 1989 affiliated to the University of Delhi & recognized by Medical council of India. It is design with the view to prepare health education specialist in the country. The course has an admission capacity of 20 & is open to both medical & non medical gradates with social science background and work experience of one to three years. Foreign students sponsored by the respected countries are also admitted to the course if they fulfill the requirements of admission as laid down by the University of Delhi. The officers of the CHEB conduct the course and participate in teaching & in field training.
The CHEB, being a national institute, shares its health education knowledge and skills with other national and international agencies and developing countries by way of providing orientation to their personnel. It offers orientation training to medical as well as non-medical personnel sponsored by various organizations including international organizations. On an average, the Bureau offers training to 400 to 500 visitors every year. The duration of orientation varies from a day to several weeks.
The knowledge of people’s behaviour forms essential components of health education. To understand why people behave the way they do and to develop better ways and means to change them, it is essential to study the people knowledge, their health practises and attitude towards various health problems and programmes. With this view in mind, the Research and Evaluation division was established in 1960 with the objective to understand and promote behavioural research activities in the country. The functions of the Division were to.
The division has conducted 56 field studies in the areas of national malaria eradication program, smallpox, maternity and child health and family welfare, leprosy, sexually transmitted diseases, environmental sanitation, food practises and medical care etc. One of the major function of the division is to produce is technical papers and circulate them to the SHEB’s and other institutions who may use these for developing the research component of health education. The Division has produced 54 such technical papers methods is another significant function of the division. The division has been organising research methods courses – 1 year in 1962, 1966, 1974, 1977.
The Bureau has a Library with about 10,000 books on varied subjects like health education, social sciences, communication, training, family welfare, media management, adult education, elementary and secondary education, etc. Besides books on various disciplines, the Library has good number reference books such as encyclopaedias on social sciences, medicines; and on national and international development in health. Reports published from time to time by the Government of India are also placed in the Library.
The Administration Division of the Bureau is essentially a Service Division for the other Divisions of the Bureau. It is headed by a Deputy Director (Admin.) .All establishment matters relating to the officers and staff of the Bureau are looked after by this Division. Maintenance and security arrangement of the CHEB building, hostel premises, purchase of stationery and other store items, preparation of annual budget and plan, administrative matters in respect of publications and publicity activities etc., are being looked after by this Division.
Altogether the Administration Division is responsible for the servicing and providing administrative support to all other Divisions of the Bureau.
Functions and Duties of Division of Administrative Division Preparation of Budget Proposals (Plan and Non-Plan) of CHEB and other related matters like performance budget and Annual Plan etc.
Last Updated On 14/11/2024