Home Central Institutes / CIP, Ranchi
CIP, Ranchi
Central Institutes
Central Institute of Psychiatry is a premier institution for mental health in India. The British established this hospital on 17th May, 1918 with the name of Ranchi European Lunatic Asylum.
CIP, Ranchi has come a long way covering a journey of 100 years witnessing many transitions and at the same time taking the credit of development of a comprehensive mental health service delivery centre with many innovations in the field of mental health and neurosciences including clinical services, state of art research and manpower training in the country. Spread across 211 acres in the picturesque city of Ranchi, today, CIP offers the latest medical advances in an environment that promotes mental health and enhances a sense of wellbeing.
Scope of services
- To expand capacity building to upgrade existing mental health care and neurosciences facilities.
- To improve infrastructure and quality of mental health and neurosciences education and training.
- To enhance Mental Health and Neurosciences Manpower Development.
- To promote the Quality Research in Mental Health and Neurosciences.
- To promote community mental health promotional activities.
- To enquire into the molecular, neurophysiological, psychological, sociological, translational and transcendental aspects of the brain-mind-behavior axis and to evolve suitable techniques for application in day-to-day problems.
- To provide and assist in providing services of research, evaluation, training, consultation and guidance related to mental health and neuroscience activities comprising biological, psychological, sociological and clinical aspects.
- To undertake and provide for the publication of journals, research papers, leaflets and textbooks and to augment library information services in the furtherance of the objects of the society.
- To collect, organizes, disseminate and publish knowledge about mental health and neurosciences.
- To co-operate with international and national agencies engaged in mental health and neurosciences research and training and arrange for interchange of personnel, material and data.
- To educate public in mental health and neurosciences.
- To invite representatives of Governments, Universities and organizations of foreign countries and outstanding scientists to participate in the programmes of the institution
- To do all such lawful acts and things either alone or in conjunction with other organizations or persons as the society may consider necessary to the attainment of any or all of the objectives of CIP referred to or implied above.
Website link of the institute
CIP boasts to have one of the most advanced Neuroscience, Non-invasive Neuromodulation and advanced simulation services in the country. CIP also have country’s first Precision Neurosciences Lab in India