भारत सरकार    |    GOVERNMENT OF INDIA



Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) was established in 1961 with the vision to have a strong Health Management Information System in entire country. The mission of CBHI is “To strengthen Health Information system in each of the district in the country up to facility level for evidence based decision making in the Health Sector”

CBHI is one of the division of Directorate General of Health Services in the Ministry which is headed by a HAG / SAG level medical officer with specialization in public health administration of Central Health Services (CHS) and supported by officers from Indian Statistical Services as well as CHS through its 6 Field Survey Units (Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Jaipur, Lucknow and Patna) and 5 Training Centres (Medical Record Department at Safdarjung Hospital, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, JIPMER Puducherry & RIMS, Ranchi and RHSTC, Mohali).

Objectives of CBHI

  • To collect, analyse and disseminate Health Sector related data of the country for evidence-based policy decisions, planning and research activities;
  • To develop Human resource for scientifically maintaining medical records & use of family of International Classification Diseases in India;
  • To carry out need based research for efficient implementation of Health Information System & Implementation of Family of International Classifications in India;
  • To collaborate with National & International Institutes for imparting knowledge & skill development.

Major Activities of CBHI

CBHI is responsible for collecting primary as well as secondary data from various Government Organizations/ Departments, maintaining and disseminating Heath Sector information through its annual publication “National Health Profile” highlighting most of the relevant health and health related information under 6 major themes viz. Demographic, Socio-economic, Health Status, Health Finance, Health Infrastructure and Human Resources in Health.

CBHI conducts long term and short term trainings and sensitization Workshops for the officers and the Para-medicals working in Health institutions of India for capacity building and human resources development in health sector.

Long Term Trainings

Medical records are an essential component of medical care. For scientific maintenance of Medical Records in Health Institutions following long term Training Programmes are conducted by the CBHI to strengthen and develop human resources & health information system of the country.

Sl. No.  Name of Training  Batch  Duration

  Medical Record

Department   (MRD)

Training Centre (TC)


Medical Record


02 batches 

(1 batch at each

 training centre)

1 Year

MRD & TC at:


  1. Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
  2. JIPMER, Puducherry


Medical Record


08 batches 

(2 batches at each 

training centre)

 6 Months

MRD & TC at:


  1. Safdarjung Hospital, 

New Delhi

  1. JIPMER, Puducherry
  2. Dr. R M L Hospital, 

New Delhi

  1. RIMS, Ranchi

(Note: Training Calendar, Eligibility, Guidelines and Application Forms for all the above courses are available on CBHI official website www.cbhidghs.nic.in)

Short term Training

Short term Training Programmes are conducted for efficient health system management through Six (06) FSUs and RHSTC at Mohali.

Sl. No Name of training Batch Duration Training Centre (TC) & Field Survey Unit (FSU)


Training Course  on Master

Trainers on ICD-10


3 days

RHSTC Mohali


Training Course on Master 

Trainers on ICF


3 days

RHSTC Mohali


Orientation training course on

 Health Information Management

 (For Officers)


5 days

RHSTC Mohali

& 6 FSUs


Orientation training course on 

Health Information Management 

(For Para-medical personnel)


5 days

RHSTC Mohali

& 6 FSUs


Orientation training course on 

Family of International classification

(ICD & ICF) (For Non-Medical 



5 days

RHSTC Mohali

& 6 FSUs


Orientation training course on Medical Record & Information Management System (MRIM)


5 days

RHSTC Mohali

& 6 FSUs

CBHI conducts 54 batches of Training Courses every year on regular basis. Special batches of Training Courses are also conducted on request of States / UTs & various organizations like IRDA, WHO, Ministry of Defence etc.CBHI also provides Internship for the students of National Universities and Institutes. Sensitization workshops: CBHI conducts 30 workshops through its 6 FSUs (03 on ICD & 02 on ICF per FSU) in a year in various medical colleges and hospitals .

Sensitization Workshops

CBHI conducts 30 workshops through its 6 FSUs (03 on ICD & 02 on ICF per FSU) in a year in various medical colleges and hospitals .

Last Updated On 05/11/2024