भारत सरकार    |    GOVERNMENT OF INDIA



RAJKUMARI AMRIT KAUR COLLEGE OF NURSING is a pioneer institute established in 1946 for nursing education in India and the South East Asian region offering basic and higher education programmes. It is the first nursing college in India to offer courses in B.Sc. (H) Nursing (1946), M.Sc. Nursing (1959), M.Phil. in Nursing (1986) and PhD in Nursing (1992). The College is controlled financially by the Directorate General of Health Services (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) and academically affiliated with the University of Delhi as the Department of Nursing under the Faculty of Science.

Scope of services

1. To provide a broad-based education for the preparation of nursing personnel at both basic and advanced levels who can function in a wide variety of Health Care settings and make their distinctive contribution in all branches of nursing for the promotion of health, prevention of diseases, care during the illness and maintenance of positive health.

2. To prepare a corps of well-qualified nurses for leadership positions to assume responsibilities in nursing and to do pioneer work of a creative nature for the development of the human and scientific healthcare system.

3. To promote the deeper study in nursing to generate new perspectives, and develop innovative approaches to deal with problems encountered in nursing and the health field.

4. To maintain a centre of excellence in the pursuit of higher studies in nursing and act as a pace-setting institution, to strive to give direction to the profession of nursing, and to serve better the contemporary and future needs of nursing development,

Images of the institute






Website link of the institute


Any other relevant information

The College believes in training professional nurses from all states of India to meet the great challenges of service in the field of nursing, Professional nursing is a life-long service to the people and nursing must advance along with other health professions if society is to be assured of a balanced situation. Furthermore, the College believes in a system of nursing education that fits in with the changing educational patterns of the country to meet the health of the society


- Classes & curricular activities - Research - SNA activities - Regular sports classes & activities - Continuing education for nursing professionals and other healthcare workers.

RFTC Chhawla

⁻ Rural community health experience ⁻ Health services to defined community

Other Govt. Programmes

- TOT for nurses in National Emergency Life Support (NELS) - IGNOU study centre for Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing - Conduction of webinars on Cervical cancer prevention, detection and awareness capacity building program with ECHO for Nurses in Delhi .

Last Updated On 02/11/2024